Sunday, November 23, 2014

The EPA uses its funds to reduce water pollution and recycle e-waste

Ok Guys what's new in the news. Well, one of the new things that's circling the world right now is about the EPA. The EPA funds now reduce the pollution of water, and increase the E-Waste recycling. "The EPA  has awarded more than $8.6 million in grants to fund environmental improvement projects to reduce water pollution and increase e-waste recycling along the US–Mexico border" (environmental leader). And just where did they get the funds. Well, it just happens to be that the federal funds were awarded in "with the North American Development Bank and the Border Environment Cooperation Commission" and for what "to advance commitments in the US–Mexico environmental collaboration known as the Border 2020 Program"(environmental leader). They will also use sixty five thousand dollars in the EPA border 2020 funds to clean and completely bring back a once beautiful river in Mexicali, Baja California. You people are probably wondering if that place is real. Well, I looked it up and it is real. Real dirty! It's a good thing they're using the funds to restore the river. I mean comon, let's try to keep the world a little more cleaner people! or at least livable! The EPA also wants to use part of the money to start a community environmental education. Not only that but they try to prevent illegal dumping and degradation in the river that flows north into the wide area of California. Then there is Fundación Hélice, a nonprofit environmental organization, which will try to use at least $52,500 recycle e-waste," using internationally recognized best management practices, and divert these materials from landfills and dumps in Mexicali, Baja California, potentially affecting the New River watershed" (environmental leader).

J-Ice out!


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