Thursday, November 27, 2014


16.6 pounds of difference in 84 years

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!!!! I had my Thanksgiving dinner yesterday, so the topic for today's blog will not make me question myself. For those who did not have dinner, you might not want to read this just yet.

So what is Thanksgiving day? Well, its an annual national holiday with religious significance and includes the traditional eating of turkey. Some people look at Thanksgiving as the day before Black Friday. And I want to say that it is really sad. But, lets go on with the topic of interest. 
Back in the 1930 turkey was the important item on the dinner plate. Back then turkeys did not weight 30 pounds; they weighted about 13 pounds. Where did the increase come from? Apparently,(as we all know) turkey farmers selectively breed birds to have the best speed of growth. How does this effect the turkey? Well, Turkeys are so fat that they can't even stand by themselves and cannot transfer semen to hens. Now reproduction happens by artificial means. This is disgraceful, but sadly its the truth. There are way to change it, and one important way is to change our eating habits.

Thanksgiving is not the only time to eat Turkeys; people eat turkeys all the time. I expected that the physical growth in turkeys would also be directly proportional to the price, but I was wrong. Turkey became cheaper and what happens to items that are also in excess? They get thrown out/wasted.
Well that is the end of my talk about turkeys. I hope everyone will have a wonderful Thanksgiving and also remember to eat that turkey (all of it... don't waste food... seriously...).
Joel Signing out...

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Trouble in the Mid-West

The American Mid-West, usually seen as a place full of adventure, is now in a heck of an adventure. Drought is the problem, which burdens the farmers with their crops and the use of water rationing to ensure that not all the water is used. Prices for American crops and livestock go up due to limited rainfall and tourism is affected.
Droughts cause this
The reasons for the widespread droughts in the mid-west is due to global warming. The planet gets too hot and evaporates water, but since it is too hot, the gas molecules do not cool down enough to become water molecules. A little bit of science I learned, and something that Republicans do not believe in. Since there is not enough water, crops can not grow properly, like how we humans need water to grow, so do crops. The price of crops and livestock, they eat crops, go up since there will not be much crops for the general public. The decrease in rain fall has caused tourism to fall too. Ski resorts can not
Good seasons cause this
produce enough fake snow to make the Ski resort fully snowy. There are still some bare places. Even though the American people are affected by rising crop prices, which leads to inflation. American families are affected by having to ration water. Water is needed for the necessities of life, some mid-Western families have wells, which are out of water and need to dig deeper.

If the drought issue is not addressed, which means that global warming must be addressed, then American families will need to deal with rising prices of crops, livestock, and deflated value of money. There will be widespread hunger in America and our economy will suffer, both globally from our exports and nationally. Let us be grateful for the water we have and remember that others are struggling during these hard times.

Happy Holidays :)


Sunday, November 23, 2014


Poster: Valentin Sigalov // Prokhor Zakharov

Recently, I've read about Interpol* posting a list of top-wanted environmental criminals. Listing 9 fugitives, these men have committed all kinds of illegal acts, all with the same thing in mind - earning money from harming the environment.

So what exactly is an environmental crime anyway? It's basically any crime that harms the environment directly. When I first heard of the term, I thought it a sort of ‘side effect’ of regular crime, but no. This is straight up comic-villain stuff. Ahmed Kamran, one of these fugitives, is charged with smuggling dozens of live animals from Tanzania to Qatar on a military plane. Sergey Darminov, for another, has been accused of illegally crab fishing in Russia netting 450 million dollars for his organization. Most interesting, though, is Mr. Giacobone, who illegally (obviously) transported and dumped toxic waste - poisoning water beds, carrying guns and assaulting a cop in the process. Other crimes included poaching of ivory and illegal logging.

Honestly, I've found this to be both surprising... and not. I never really thought of organized crime syndicates and structures revolving around earning tons of money from shitting on the Earth they live on. Yet it doesn't surprise me. Humans do anything for money.

Obviously I'm in full support of the criminals being caught and persecuted. Unfortunately, though, these men are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to ecocriminals.

*International Criminal Police Organization. Similar to the UN in principle, it is an internationally funded, politically neutral organization aimed towards fighting crime.

Guardian Source
NBC Source

The EPA uses its funds to reduce water pollution and recycle e-waste

Ok Guys what's new in the news. Well, one of the new things that's circling the world right now is about the EPA. The EPA funds now reduce the pollution of water, and increase the E-Waste recycling. "The EPA  has awarded more than $8.6 million in grants to fund environmental improvement projects to reduce water pollution and increase e-waste recycling along the US–Mexico border" (environmental leader). And just where did they get the funds. Well, it just happens to be that the federal funds were awarded in "with the North American Development Bank and the Border Environment Cooperation Commission" and for what "to advance commitments in the US–Mexico environmental collaboration known as the Border 2020 Program"(environmental leader). They will also use sixty five thousand dollars in the EPA border 2020 funds to clean and completely bring back a once beautiful river in Mexicali, Baja California. You people are probably wondering if that place is real. Well, I looked it up and it is real. Real dirty! It's a good thing they're using the funds to restore the river. I mean comon, let's try to keep the world a little more cleaner people! or at least livable! The EPA also wants to use part of the money to start a community environmental education. Not only that but they try to prevent illegal dumping and degradation in the river that flows north into the wide area of California. Then there is Fundación Hélice, a nonprofit environmental organization, which will try to use at least $52,500 recycle e-waste," using internationally recognized best management practices, and divert these materials from landfills and dumps in Mexicali, Baja California, potentially affecting the New River watershed" (environmental leader).

J-Ice out!


Friday, November 21, 2014

Administer Gina McCarthy
 GOP vs EPA which will last?
The GOP which has obtained power in the Senate and the House of Representatives now want to try to end EPA. The Republicans want to bleed EPA dry of green, which includes their funding and environment quota's. The leader of EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, vowed to not give up against the GOP, Good old Party, Republican Party.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell vowed to resist any of Obama's environment policy, since Obama apparently waged war on coal.. Congressmen from both parties will join in with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell since the Congressmen are representing coal states. Some Republicans that do not represent coal states choose to join in those that do, on the claims that science has not proven that Global warming is not happening.

But, there are Democrats and Republicans that support EPA. EPA was made to regulate pollution levels for the whole nation, which is a necessity as the U.S. is the second largest contributor to carbon emissions.
Administer Gina McCarthy stated that EPA must still be kept to keep down pollution levels for the future of America. Representatives from coal states stated that by keeping America's pollution level low. Perhaps we could invest in Green energy and make America a leader in producing green energy or the GOP could use its budget authority to block any funds from going to EPA. Whatever happens the future generations of America must be able to breath easy.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Keystone XL Pipeline

Valentin Sigalov // Prokhor Zakharov

The Keystone XL Pipeline is the subject of a rather heated debate in the USA. It is, essentially, a proposed pipeline which would stretch from Canadian Alberta all the way to the oil refineries on the Texan Gulf Coasts. It would run a huge amount of crude through it. Of course, this is a Republican-backed built with Democratic opposition.

The bill to approve this project did not pass through the Senate during the vote today. It was extremely close though: 59-41 in favor, but 60 required to pass. President Obama would likely have vetoed the bill if it did pass however.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said, “I think that what we’re going to see is that the president’s got to come to the table, and both parties are going to have to work together to get things done… It’s going to take the president saying ‘I want to work with you, I want to pass some of these jobs bills, I want to pass the Keystone Pipeline and get things done.” This makes it sound like a perfect solution that both parties could get behind. A job creation machine which would improve the economy of all of the states it's being built in.

However, it's not just potentially disastrous, but is also not as much of a job-maker as it is put out to be. While it will create anywhere from 2,500 to 20,000 jobs during it's construction, the number drops to about 20 after it is complete, according to Bloomberg. On top of that, from the $7 billion dollars appointed to the project from federal spending, $3-4 billion will likely be going towards wherever the steel comes from. Is it truly worth it?

Not only will this pipeline contribute to our reliance on fossil fuels, there are massive environmental concerns arising. Along the path of the pipeline, more forests will be cut down. This isn't it: Woodland caribou populations are shrinking and are now listed as threatened by the Canadian government, in part because the animal will not cross logged forest.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Wanted List: Environmental Fugitives?

Interpol wanted Operation Infra-Terra (top row from left to right): Adriano Giacobone, Sudiman Sunoto, Bhekumusa Mawillis Shiba and Ben Simasiku; (bottom raw from left to right): Nicolaas Antonius Cornelis Maria Duindam, Ariel Bustamante Sanchez, Sergey Darminov and Feisal Mohamed Ali
People who destroy the environment for money 
This blog is about the importance of the environment and to inform the people around the world about the little changes that could affect the entire human race. I was thinking about naming the people to my left, but that would be too much trouble. The only message that you should receive is that these people...fugitives are dangerous. Well, you already know that so lets continue. 

These criminals are wanted for "poaching rhino, trafficking ivory," and illegal tree chopping Brussels), which increased the crime wave to billions of dollars annually. These nine people are not the only people who should be in trouble, there are more, don't worry. How is one person going to affect the entire ecosystem? They might not, but imagine hundreds of people doing the same thing, then the problem comes into play. The serious changes that could happened is loss of biodiversity and increase in CO2 because there are less trees. But why destroy the environment? They do it for the money. Money has a huge influence on people.  

But why the recent attack on environmental criminals? The answer is simple; danger to society. Damaging environment could be through the use of guns, drugs, and natural elements like fire. This can change the lives of innocent people. 

Personally, I am quite angry about this sort of event done by people. The environment should be kept safe from danger. The environment is our home, it is the place where we live. Little changes go along way, for better or for worse. 

Joel, Signing off...

Chemical Plant Kills Four People

DuPont spokesman Aaron Woods speaks during a news conference about a hazardous chemical leak that killed four employees and injured one at the DuPont industrial plant in La Porte, Texas, Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014. The cause of the leak is under investigation. Photo: Marie D. De Jesus, AP / Houston Chronicle
"Some" might not be the best choice of words for the incident which occurred in La Porte, Texas. The DuPont Facility had dozens of violations since the start of 2009. According to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the chemical plant only received satisfactory ratings since 1956. What does this show about the safety business owners try to implement? Profit is the only word these people know. They don't care about the people, or even their own employees.

Spokesman Aaron Woods during a news conference 
about a hazardous chemical leak

My biggest concern right now would be protecting the people living near the power plant. What would happened if the plant exploded?
The chemical smell, "which is described as smelling like rotten eggs or rotten cabbage... respiratory system" (Lozano and Graczyk). Imagine working in conditions like that for eight hours a day! Well, now the question comes down to, what caused the gas leak? Apparently, we don't know, but some guesses could be made such as; old equipment, pressure, or someone opening a valve, but who knows. Who is to blame for the death of the four people? Well, it should be the owner of the chemical plant, but we won't know for sure. I know that it would be higher than $91,000 because that was the highest fine for a emission violation in 2012. What should come after this incident? Maybe better safety provisions, or higher pay. Whatever the change maybe, it should be done soon.

Joel, Signing out...  

Sunday, November 16, 2014

North Dakota's Crude Oil Production produces more Rails as Well

Guess what guys! North Dakota has plans to make the rail transport of Oil safer! There have been many rail accidents in the past year and its about time that someone goes on and fixes it. The new incredible plans relate to the new methods of using energy regulators to make the rails move safer, which carry tons of crude oil. "Proposed standards announced Thursday by the state Department of Mineral Resources follow a series of fiery rail accidents over the last 18 months that have made ballooning number "crude by rail" shipments highly controversial across the country" (NBC News).  The new rules however, insists on using oil producers to remove volatile gasses. The new proposal also involves new methods for separation of the fluids into gas and liquid. There has been much increase in the amount of oil transported as well. "The US Energy Information Administration said in a daily briefing on Nov. 13 that the volume of oil and petroleum products shipped on the US rail system increased more than 10% through October compared with same period during 2013" (ogj). What contributes to this is the rising US crude production which helps in an increase in the increase of transportation of oil. This is amazing as North Dakota's increase in crude oil production will benefit all of America. The more oil we bring the more Americans we make happy

J-Ice out!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Obama's "Secret Deal"

Obama's "Secret Deal" is not a secret any more.
President Obama (left) and
Chinese President Xi Jinping (right)
at the G20 summit
Barack Obama, has tried to cover up a very secret deal with China, at least according to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Obama's not so secret deal with Chinese President Xi Jinping is to curb carbon emissions for both countries.The deal that Obama had done has been criticized as giving China nothing to do to curb carbon emissions, while the U.S. has to work even harder to curb emissions. The New York Times stated that studies predict that if the world does not curb carbon emissions, the temperature of the world will go up by 3.2 degrees Fahrenheit. Obama's deal proposal is to emit 28 percent less carbon by 2025, while China has to agree to using 20% more renewable energy sources, such as nuclear power and hydroelectric power, and would have its maximum emissions at 2030, according to cbn. A pretty bad deal according to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

During the elections, Mitch McConnell used the coal of Kentucky to win support. Now, Senator Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell is upset at Obama's "secret dealing". Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said it is unachievable, would hurt the American economy and job economy, and China has to do nothing for the next decade, while Obama said it is achievable. McConnell also said how Obama is just putting more work on to the next person in office. This makes complete sense, as Obama's term ends soon, thanks Obama. However, Obama has gained approval from Senators that support lowering emissions. Obama may have gained approval with other environmental friendly supporters, but the Republicans may be more defiant whenever Obama decides to pass a bill or law, good luck Obama.The deal will be discussed later this year in Paris.

Obama stated to reduce carbon emissions, as stated in my last post, but he can not keep his word, as he wants to reduce emissions sooner. Hopefully, China and America will lower their emissions without any problems. India is interested too, but wants it to be cheap. This deal may impact other nations to lower their emission levels too, but by then the world may be too polluted and it will take many more years to fix our Earth.


Use the nytimes link to see their nice graph on how America is not the leading cause for pollution.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Democratic Guy (Senate Majority Leader) on the Environment

Harry Reid Folks! This guy knows what's up. He is a fellow supporter of the democratic party. He is the now senate majority leader, who assumed office on January 3 2007. He joined the congress in 1982 and since has been in the government. Now enough of his boring who cares background. Let's talk about his plan for the environment. Wow isn't this a biggie! He said YES to protecting ocean, coastal, and Great lakes ecosystem! This was part of the RESTORE act, which stands for The Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act, "which dedicates 80% of all Clean Water Act penalties paid by those responsible for the 2010 gulf oil disaster to Gulf Coast restoration"(on the issues). He was in charge to clean up Lake Tahoe as it is of national importance to Nevada, for its tourism and environment.

He also created the bipartisan compromise by working to pass public lands legislation, which creates an equal partnership in having fantastic lands for its beautiful naturalistic glory and some public lands for its contribution towards the economy. Not only that but Mr. Reid also voted yes to $2 billion more for the cash for clunkers program, which recycles and saves cars. This guy's pro for the sustainability of the environment. He is also strictly against grazing land by the government for parks, or open spaces. He believes we should keep the environment safe.  After all the environment is a place where people live, and misusing it is not an option. In Nevada, Reid is also known for what he has done in renewable energy, and his battle against climate change.

He is an activist against all things wrong for the environment. One of his famous instances in protecting the environment includes the rebuttal of the Republican efforts to "hamstring the Environment Protection Agency's power to control greenhouse-gas emissions" (national journal). In the end, he is a protector of all things environment. Harry Reid is a guy, no, a hero who sacrifices every day of his valuable life for the good of the people. Now, you are someone who is dedicated to the safety of the people or you are someone who has nothing else better to do with your life. Now this guy is obviously someone who cares for the people and I vouch for that. See Ya later.

J-Ice out!

Tom Wolf: Fracking

Poster: Prokhor Zakharov // Valentin Sigalov

Now that we know for a fact that Democrat Tom Wolf will be Governor of Pennsylvania, what sort of changes can we hear about in terms of environment and energy? Of course, you know what I’m talking about - fracking.

Republican Governor Corbett, recently ousted by winner Tom Wolf, was conservative when it came to taxing fracking companies. He claimed that taxing fracking companies would lead to these companies laying off workers, leave Pennsylvania for greener pastures, and drive our costs up - generally worsening the Pennsylvania economy. While some of this might have been true, it was under his watch that the Pennsylvanian budget had a disastrous deficit of $1 billion while other states enjoyed a surplus in money.

Pennsylvania is the only state with no extraction tax, despite it’s booming natural gas reserves - but probably not for long. Wolf's plan for fracking involves placing a 5% tax on extraction. He claims that this tax will generate at least $1 billion for the state. We need the tax to fund the education system “to make sure that [the industry] has the employees who have relevant skills.” He also mentioned that fracking should be done with proper oversight to prevent damage to the environment - the money generated from the tax will be pumped to the Department of Environmental Protection for this purpose.

According to Wolf, "Guess what? The money we need to fund our schools lies right underneath your feet."

As a liberal myself, I'm hoping Wolf won't fall back on his promises.