Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Conservative Media’s backslashes on Michelle Obama’s Anti-Obesity Efforts supposedly Leads To A Government Shutdown

Sup, howdy doo. So, to keep you guys posted with the latest news. Today we’re gonna talk about the conservative media. You better keep your hands off the the exit button! if you know whats good for you. Yeah there is CBS and NBC but who can talk about conservative media better than me. Let’s start off with the title of the post, Conservative Media’s Backslashes on Michelle Obama’s Anti-Obesity Efforts supposedly Leads To A Government Shutdown. What? What does that even mean? Well lets go deeper into it. Today’s Republican lawmakers have a strong desire in suspending Michelle Obama’s school lunch program, which could lead to a government shutdown. Now Folks. This is just as surprising to me as it is for you. Apparently, people believe that healthy lunches might lead to “unhealthy consequences” (get it? unhealthy consequences.) For example, the Fox host Sean Hannity “predicted that the healthy school lunch program will lead to a nanny state, asking if "every American family need[ed] a dietitian appointed by the government." Not only that but Fox’s John Stossel says, “ Fox's John Stossel argued that nutrition standards will allow the government to "dictate" who citizens are allowed to marry.” This is preposterous. How is a healthy diet going to make problems for the country? Fox's Steve Doocy “described new nutrition standards as "the food police" to claim that "kids are ending up hungry.” Michelle Obama is getting blamed for healthy diets and a supposedly possible government shutdown.

What is the world coming to people?


 J-Ice Out!  

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