Tuesday, December 30, 2014


A photo of Kamal Meattle
Photo by Wendy Koch and from national geographic 

Well its almost time for New Years and its been almost an hour since I have written by last blog. Its about tropical rain forest, you should check it out. Save the world, one step at a time: plant by plant, leaf by leaf. 

This week's blog is focused in on the streets of India. Kamal Meattle, CEO of Paharpur Business Centre uses plants to help clean indoor air. Meattle has 800 plants in total in his building and their job is to "remove soot and other chemicals from the often charcoal-colored outdoor air" (Koch). Effective and cheap, especially when he can use rainwater to water the plants. Kudos to you, Meattle. (if you want to know more about Meattle, there is a TED talk in which he address different plants for cleaning air) The air in India is not good for people, believe me I used to live there. 
But can houseplants really clean the air? Sounds like a job for the myth busters. No we don't need the myth busters because its true that without plants, we humans cannot exist. NASA even published several studies. But in order to clean the air, we need to use hundreds of plants in a concentrated area. New Delhi is the far the worst city to live in, health wise. What makes it difficult to live there? (Picture to the left)           

My favorite quote from this article is, "We are Indians. We have iron lungs" (Aggarwai). I think nature would disagree. The only way houseplants can be effective is if everyone did the same thing Meattle did, but that would be improbable. (Too many plants, not enough space). We can change some aspects such as smoking limitations and law to prevent deforestation. A lot has to be done before we can actually see changes in the world.  

I'm Joel and I'm signing off.... Night 

A Glimmer of Hope for the Entire Human Race

Lush Rain Forest 

Happy Holidays everyone! Lets keep the good news rolling in. What a perfect way to end the year. News like this is the reason why I write these blogs. 
The major news is that tropical forests absorb 1.4 billion out of the 2.5 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emitted by humans. This was all figured out by the scientists at NASA and the National Center for Atmospheric Research. What does this mean in the long run? The rate of global warming can decrease, with the absorption of carbon dioxide. If the absorption were to slow down, then the global warming would speed up. 

What might cause global warming to speed up? Deforestation comes to my mind. Even though we know about the helpful information, we are not going to stop cutting down trees and clearing forests. In the minds of wealthy business people, its all about the money.

How could we change and make an impact to secure the rain forest?

  • Education: Educate people and show them how rain forest reduce rate of global warming
  • Show how deforestation affects the surrounding environment. 
The list could go on, but why waste my time writing about it when we could do something about it. 

Joel Signing off...   

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Banning Fracking

Fracking has been banned in New York, but will it continue to spread?

Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo

Governor Cuomo of New York has banned Fracking in New York. This ban has made environmental groups happy, but landowners and energy companies are disappointed. Landowners wanted to sell land to the companies and obtain royalties due to fracking.

Men with Cabot Oil and Gas work on Fracking.
Fracking is done by having special chemical water blasted into rocks that may contain oil/gas. This has given lots of money towards energy companies, money to landowners, lowered demand for energy imports, and lowered energy costs to the American people. New York holds a lot of gas underground, which is why energy companies want to frack in New York. Department of Environmental Conservation will decide next year whether fracking will be legal or not. Fracking has been proven scientifically that it pollutes the world, by air, water, ground, and groundwater through the chemicals released. However energy companies have argued that fracking has been done for a long time already, and the environmental damages are minor. Governor Cuomo said that he chose the health of New York over the jobs of New York.

Fracking has been banned in New York, which will cause the banning of fracking in other states to be an issue. The Department of Environmental Conservation next year will decide to prohibit fracking, if prohibited then America will need more foreign energy exports and the price of gas/oil will rise, which might balance out the cheaper gas prices, but we might start to research more renewable energy sources. If fracking is not prohibited, America will be able to continue to generate money from it and create more job, but renewable energy research might not be looked as a profitable choice. It is up to the state and the federal government to decide upon this.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Coal in America

EPA's environment policy is changing and so is coal.

EPA has upset Environmental groups by proclaiming that coal ash is not a hazardous material, but just waste. The Obama administration has made it so that coal ash is not hazardous, satisfying the American Coal Ash Association (ACAA). ACAA said that science was finally used in front of politics and that coal plants can now reuse coal ash for fuel, instead of dumping it into landfills and ponds. However, the standards do not condemn dumping coal into ponds. The rules have made standards for closing down coal plants and for more monitoring. Results obtained from monitoring will have to be made public, pits for storing coal ash will have to be lined, to prevent the coal ash from contaminating other sources. This was in response to the major ash coal spilling in the past few years.

According to cbsnews, the ACAA will be willing to work with Congress to help take care of the flaws, according to Environmental groups, that EPA has made. So the Republicans might not try to shut down EPA anymore because Senate Majority Mitch McConnell is from a coal state, but he still wants to stop the coal regulations since the coal states economy's are falling. Which is a big problem as the Senate meets up in January, making Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. to Majority leader. EPA's compromise satisfied the coal companies. but not the Republicans.

Dry Coal Ash
Wet Coal Ash

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Idiots- Fracking- Air Pollution- Health Problems

Today’s news is about air pollution caused by Fracking and risks to your health. People at any length from the oil and gas drilling can cause many types of health risks which includes birth defects, blood disorders, respiratory problems, nervous system impacts and cancer. This raises a lot questions, as to why people still do it? That’s a big question that I would like to get answered. Don’t these fracking mutton heads know that they are hurting themselves? A quote from the great NDRC senior scientist Miriam Rotkin-Ellman, “The health risks from fracking are not limited to what’s in our drinking water—oil and gas operations are also poisoning the air we breathe” (cnn). Well, isn't that just beautiful fracking is also poisoning the air. What else can these great accomplished men do? Well, nothing, they are not only hurting the planet but the people. People need to be more aware of the problems that fracking causes and do something about it. We can’t just sit around watching tv and wait for the sicknesses to hit us like we are targets or something. However, the federal and state governments don't find it a problem, and so they are just shooing away the problem like a fly. “Unfortunately, air pollution impacts have gone largely ignored by federal and state agencies to date. The Environmental Protection Agency, as well as state governments, must address air pollution from oil and gas development in order to protect the health of neighboring residents” (cnn). People should take this information seriously and do something about it. I mean I would if I wasn’t busy writing blogs for you guys. But someone has to keep you posted on the environmental issues.

J-Ice out!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Road Salt: Big Problem

Today we’re going to talk about Road Salt and how it increases Urban Stream Contamination. Not the funnest of all topics, but is considerably important. The regular amount of chloride concentrations exceed the toxic levels in many streams that are located in the northern United States. Not only that but that amount has increased a lot in 20 years. “Chloride levels increased substantially in 84 percent of urban streams analyzed,
according to a U.S. Geological Survey study that began as early as 1960 at some sites and ended as late as 2011” (enn).The scientists got the water quality data from 30 sites and more than half of it has enough salt, that the contamination is enough to cause another great depression. What causes the problem? Well, it’s road deicing by cities, “Road deicing by cities, counties and state agencies accounts for a significant portion of salt applications, but salt is also used by many public and private organizations and individuals to deice parking lots, walkways and driveways. All of these sources are likely to contribute to these increasing chloride trends” (enn). Not only that but there are other sources such as wastewater treatments, septic systems, geological deposits, farming etc. 


J-Ice Out!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Turning Point: Climate Change


Back to climate change once again. This topic never gets old. Climate is changing and something has to be done about it, but instead nations are arguing like little kids. The question comes down to what can be done to reduce greenhouse gases and expand the life span of people, not blame each other. Well, if we were to blame, then lets start with the United States, or European Union, or even China and India. 

Lets start with the negotiation that took place in Lima, Peru. Just saying words are not going to cut it, we have show results. This isn't the presidential elections!

China is planning to act because of the increase of air pollution and protection of human health. Lets look at the facts: pollution shorten life span which effects economic growth. China does not want to lower their economic power. Less air pollution means reducing health care cost and increase production. Its one way of thinking about how to move forward.

What about India?
India has room for improvements, especially in the "well-being of its citizens"(Greenstone). I have lived in India for a couple of years and I know the living conditions. Nations don't have to think about the climate benefits for the planet, instead think about the economic growth. Just like China, India could reduce air pollution as part of their economic strategy. 

Logically speaking, we won't see changes happening right away. Global issues take time and climate change is just the beginning.    

Joel Signing off...           
We don't want this to happen

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Fuel Lobbyists fuel the GOP

Fuel is good, but we must try to conserve it.

It is a well known fact that fuel lobbyists helped pay for a considerable amount for the GOP's rise in power, but now the GOP have to help out the same fuel lobbyists.

Two weeks ago industrial lobbyists met at the summit of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), bills were proposed which were about how states could delay Obama's plan on limiting environmental standards and limiting power plant emissions, both of which are to decrease America''s emissions. The GOP is holds the majority in the Senate and House of Representatives, so what will stop them? Why Obama's executive orders will. Democrats will try to stop the GOP, but as they do not hold the majority, the GOP may win. The GOP is still debating on whether or not to stop all of EPA's funding, but the GOP will try to ease off on the environmental issues proposed by the Obama administration.

However, if the GOP wins in their fight, then coal miners who were laid off due to the environmental restrictions might be able to get their jobs back and start mining, generating power and money for America. If the democrats win, then our future generations might be less susceptible to asthma and America might try to create more renewable energy. The GOP can argue that the fuel prices are decreasing, but fuel will not last forever. Environment has always been an issue, but it is just going to get bigger, especially with all the Republicans controlling both the House and Senate.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Conservative Media’s backslashes on Michelle Obama’s Anti-Obesity Efforts supposedly Leads To A Government Shutdown

Sup, howdy doo. So, to keep you guys posted with the latest news. Today we’re gonna talk about the conservative media. You better keep your hands off the the exit button! if you know whats good for you. Yeah there is CBS and NBC but who can talk about conservative media better than me. Let’s start off with the title of the post, Conservative Media’s Backslashes on Michelle Obama’s Anti-Obesity Efforts supposedly Leads To A Government Shutdown. What? What does that even mean? Well lets go deeper into it. Today’s Republican lawmakers have a strong desire in suspending Michelle Obama’s school lunch program, which could lead to a government shutdown. Now Folks. This is just as surprising to me as it is for you. Apparently, people believe that healthy lunches might lead to “unhealthy consequences” (get it? unhealthy consequences.) For example, the Fox host Sean Hannity “predicted that the healthy school lunch program will lead to a nanny state, asking if "every American family need[ed] a dietitian appointed by the government." Not only that but Fox’s John Stossel says, “ Fox's John Stossel argued that nutrition standards will allow the government to "dictate" who citizens are allowed to marry.” This is preposterous. How is a healthy diet going to make problems for the country? Fox's Steve Doocy “described new nutrition standards as "the food police" to claim that "kids are ending up hungry.” Michelle Obama is getting blamed for healthy diets and a supposedly possible government shutdown.

What is the world coming to people?


 J-Ice Out!  

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The SAFE Act : FOX News

Recently, Governor Cuomo supported the pass of the SAFE Act after the Sandy Hook tragedy. This act, designed to flag potentially psychiatrically at-risk individuals possessing guns. It recently went into effect - cross-examining the database of at-risk individuals with handgun owners - and it has ended up with 278 matches. This is less than 1% of all handgun permit holders in the state.

Police have confiscated weapons from at least one of those on the list. Another has apparently gave it in willingly.

For a FOX News article, it's not biased at all. I found this very surprising. I thought that a FOX article regarding guns would show some conservative viewpoint. I'm leaning towards thinking it's only the television interviews and show hosts that are so insanely devoted to their side. In fact, it included several examples of credible people supporting this act.

According to Harvey Rosenthal, executive director of NY Association of Psychiatric Rehabilition Services in Albany, said: “It sends a message to those who might need care that there are a lot of people who are going to be in a database.”

Leah Barrett of the group New Yorkers Against Gun Violence said, “These are individuals who, under no circumstances, should have guns.”

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Oil Prices Down, Wallet bigger

Oil Prices have been going down for the past few months, about 50 cents less and three dollars on average.
Background pretty, drilling is not.
However, with oil prices down, the demand for renewable energy is also down. Cheaper oil prices have driven oil companies to drill more, hoping that people will not go back to other sources of energy. Although we have more money to spend on other things, Mother Earth is not going to be getting better. The conservative news sites were smart to not touch the fact that if people rely on oil, then global warming will happen faster. Which affects our military and global economy.

Cheaper oil helps not only our pockets, but our military. Cheaper oil means less spending on oil, which calls for more spending on defense or/and offense. This will help us deal with trouble brewing in Ukraine, ISIS land, and China, pretty much every where. Good for our government, bad for the oil companies since they need money to fix their oil spills and there will not be much profit in drilling, which is actually good for us, go EARTH. However, oil companies shares have fallen in the past months, hurting our economy, but balanced by more spending, just in time for Christmas too. The main problem is that we might rely on oil if prices stay low, therefore ceasing any reason in finding alternative, green, clean energy sources.

If we are able to use our extra money on buying green energy sources we might be able to convince stock people that green energy is still a profitable venture. The government will have to offer more incentives to use green energy compensate the dropping oil price. It might even become an issue for the next presidential elections. Oil is not forever, so let us help mother nature..

To Right OR Not To Right?

Wow, now I feel offended. Why should which hand a person is dominant in make any difference in income? New study from the University of Harvard says, "left-handed people are more likely to work in manual labor and make less money then right-handed peers" (Vaughn). This is research was conducted by Josh Goodman. I encourage you to watch the video instead of reading the article, but its your choice.

Is there difference in left and right handed people? There could be differences, but that should not lead to right-handed people making more money. The brain is wired differently for everyone. While left-handed people fall under the emotional, creative, and imaginative mode, right-handed people are interested in mathematics, logic, and language. But how does this lead to the issue in money? Well I not find the answer in this article.

Let me list couple of left-handed people for you.

  • Barack Obama, James Garfield, Henry Truman, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton 
  • Bill Gates 
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Aristotle 

Goodman did his study and research, but never explained his study, He kept saying, "My data" this and "My data" that. How did he go with his research? What kind of test and experiments did he implement? Where did he get his information from? But don't luck out yet lefties. Data will only go so far and with enough hard work you can get anywhere. Same for right-handed people.

Joel signing off...